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Caregiver Group at the Zoo

A Grownup Field Trip to the Zoo

A group of caregivers of the children we serve enjoyed a fun day at the zoo this month! We offer caregiver groups throughout the year to give parents, grandparents and other caregivers of the children in our programs the opportunity to connect with each other while learning new strategies to support their children.

This particular group has been exploring self-care, using the metaphor from an airplane safety demonstration of “putting your own oxygen mask on first” before helping your child. The group thought it would be fun to head off site for a change of scenery, so they decided on a trip to the zoo!

Some of these families mentioned that they take their children to the zoo frequently, but it was rare for them to have the opportunity to explore the space in the company of other grownups. The two staff members who lead our caregiver groups joined for the excursion, and the whole group enjoyed the chance to deepen relationships and enjoy some time outdoors in a fun space.

Learn more about our caregiver groups and the entire Family Support Services program here.

Caregiver group at the zoo


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