2023 Young Philanthropist

Mallory Wellner

Mallory Wellner

Always eager to step up and help for projects small and large, Mallory Wellner was a dedicated volunteer and member of our Young Ambassador Board for five years. Mallory served as the Young Ambassador Board Chair for three years, carrying the board during the tumultuous time of the pandemic. She went above and beyond to ensure that the board was organized and progressing and also that the board’s signature event, Brews & Bites, was moving forward as planned.

Brews & Bites - The Children's Place Young Ambassadors BoardMallory told us that she initially became involved with The Children’s Place after hearing about our mission of helping young children heal from life’s deepest hurts. Mallory spends her days as a teacher for the Shawnee Mission School District and is passionate about the early intervention that The Children’s Place provides.

“Over my years on the board I continued to connect with The Children’s Place because they understand what children need to be successful and are able to support them through early intervention,” Mallory said. “The agency understands the power of the word ‘yet,’ meaning the staff knows that just because a child doesn’t have a skill in their toolbox YET doesn’t mean that they can’t work with the child and their family to help them get there. Being in education, I see the need for early intervention, knowing that it can change a student’s trajectory.”

Mallory has been a dedicated member and leader of our Young Ambassador Board, always stepping up to help with any of the tasks at hand, whether it was reaching out to local vendors about participation in an event or arriving early that day to set up tables and chairs.

“Mallory enthusiastically led the Young Ambassador Board through an extremely challenging time and managed to bring it to the other side stronger than ever,” said Denton Williams, Special Events Manager. “She has made a tremendous impact on the Young Ambassador Board and the agency, and we are so grateful for her advocacy and volunteerism.”

Mallory completed her last term as a Young Ambassador Board member at the end of 2022, and she looks forward to serving on the Angel Board in the near future.

Mallory will be recognized at the Gratitude Bruncheon on Wednesday, August 30. Learn more about our other honorees who will be celebrated at the Gratitude Bruncheon here


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