Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

We Believe...

  • We believe in resiliency and the capacity to heal; our mission is to help children and families heal from life’s deepest hurts.
  • We believe everyone has a unique life story, and we will listen and stand with those who have felt hurt or vulnerable.
  • We believe everyone experiences pain. It is the expression of this pain and discomfort that allows for learning and growth.
  • We believe people are our most vital asset, and healing occurs within the context of relationships. We will work to build an inclusive community where all people feel they are noticed and belong.
  • We celebrate people from every color, race, ethnicity, place of origin, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression, socio-economic status, family structure, and those with differences in ability.
  • We are committed to hiring a workforce and recruiting board members to encourage the representation of all groups and perspectives. The children and families we serve deserve to enter a Place filled with people who reflect their own diversity.
  • We see acts of racism and the resulting inequities in our world and will actively work to be an equitable and antiracist Place. Through consistent professional training and development, we commit to creating an environment where all people can say they are welcomed, respected and safe to be themselves.
  • We are committed to open communication with our families and will continue to use the feedback provided by biannual surveys to ensure our actions reflect our values. In the 2024 Caregiver Satisfaction Survey, 100% of caregivers reported that:
    • Their race, gender, ethnicity, language, and culture were respected by The Children’s Place staff.
    • They feel safe at The Children’s Place.
    • Their family was treated with respect by The Children’s Place staff.

The Children’s Place’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee meets monthly and includes representatives from the staff, Board of Directors, Angel Board and Young Ambassador Board. The Committee is committed to education and skill development, overseeing the demographics of the children and families served, and working to ensure diverse representation on the Board of Directors and auxiliary boards.

We Respect...

We respect individual beliefs. If you would like to have a conversation about our values, we encourage the sharing of ideas. Please contact us via email at: APlaceForYou@childrensplacekc.org.

Your message will be promptly responded to by the President/CEO and the Chair of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee.

Healing in Any Language

We commit to coordinating interpretation services free of charge for any child or family member with limited English proficiency to ensure that mental health services are within reach for all. Contact us to learn more.